Why Retreat?
When you think about Jesus’ life, everything you read about him, and his interactions with people, what does his typical manner of being reflect? Does he seem to be rushed or hurried as he moves about from place to place? Does he seem to be stressed out as he does ministry? I think it would be hard to make a case for that. That’s not how most of us who know him would characterize his lifestyle. Jesus always walked at the speed of love.
It’s always been amazing to me, how centered he is. How easy it is for him to pause and attend to even the most surprising situations that come up. He always stops. That’s important. Stop, and engage, personally and compassionately. It’s almost like he doesn’t know anything about what I tend to think of as annoying interruptions, or unrealistic expectations, impossible demands on my time.
As we read about Jesus in the gospels, everything that comes to him seems to be just another part of the rhythmic flow of his life. So we have to wonder for us, can we learn to lean more into the Jesus style of living and serving, that graceful lifestyle that he modeled so beautifully when he was here among us?
As I meet regularly with ministry leaders, I pick up that it is far more typical for men and women in ministry to feel stressed out, burned out, rushed and harried, rather than unhurried. The Bible has much to say to us about the importance of rest, of taking regular times for personal Sabbath. Including rest in our regular rhythm is a gift from God we need to receive as fully as possible—to live as fully as possible. Finding a really healthy regular rhythm for our lives is the best thing for us, and of course, it’s also the best thing we can do for everyone around us.
Jesus made it a priority for His own life and ministry to retreat for solitude and refreshment…
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35
Jesus also saw rest and refreshment as a priority for his followers to maintain their spiritual health and vitality…
“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’” Mark 6:21
Maybe the best invitation given to us in Christian leadership is Jesus’ own words from Matthew 11:28-30. “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live lightly and freely.”
All of us in ministry need times of refreshment in our days, and days of rest, reflection and refreshment, and times when we take several days for the purpose of renewal. Without these regular times in the rhythm of our lives, we are inviting burn out, staleness in our ministry, and depletion that robs us of the joy Jesus intends for us to have. We need to make regular times away for ourselves a high priority.
Thomas Kelley wrote, “Life from the Center is a life of unhurried peace and power. It is simple. It is serene. It is amazing. It is triumphant. It is radiant. It takes no time, but it occupies all our time. And it makes our life programs new and overcoming. We need not get frantic. He is at the Helm. And when our little day is done we lie down quietly in peace, for all is well.”
Richard Foster agrees. He writes, “The major thing a private retreat accomplishes is to create an open empty space in our lives. We learn to “waste” time for God. Slowly, we come to hear God's speech in his wondrous, terrible, loving, all—embracing silence. Gently, we press into the holy of holies where we are sifted in the stillness. Painfully, we let go of the vain images of ourselves that seemed so essential. Joyfully, we loosen our grip on all those projects that appeared so significant and urgent.
“Most wonderful of all is the empowerment we receive: overcoming love, faith that can see everything in the light of God's governance for good, hope that can carry us through the most discouraging of circumstances, and power to overcome evil and do what is right.”
When you think about Jesus’ life, everything you read about him, and his interactions with people, what does his typical manner of being reflect? Does he seem to be rushed or hurried as he moves about from place to place? Does he seem to be stressed out as he does ministry? I think it would be hard to make a case for that. That’s not how most of us who know him would characterize his lifestyle. Jesus always walked at the speed of love.
It’s always been amazing to me, how centered he is. How easy it is for him to pause and attend to even the most surprising situations that come up. He always stops. That’s important. Stop, and engage, personally and compassionately. It’s almost like he doesn’t know anything about what I tend to think of as annoying interruptions, or unrealistic expectations, impossible demands on my time.
As we read about Jesus in the gospels, everything that comes to him seems to be just another part of the rhythmic flow of his life. So we have to wonder for us, can we learn to lean more into the Jesus style of living and serving, that graceful lifestyle that he modeled so beautifully when he was here among us?
As I meet regularly with ministry leaders, I pick up that it is far more typical for men and women in ministry to feel stressed out, burned out, rushed and harried, rather than unhurried. The Bible has much to say to us about the importance of rest, of taking regular times for personal Sabbath. Including rest in our regular rhythm is a gift from God we need to receive as fully as possible—to live as fully as possible. Finding a really healthy regular rhythm for our lives is the best thing for us, and of course, it’s also the best thing we can do for everyone around us.
Jesus made it a priority for His own life and ministry to retreat for solitude and refreshment…
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35
Jesus also saw rest and refreshment as a priority for his followers to maintain their spiritual health and vitality…
“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’” Mark 6:21
Maybe the best invitation given to us in Christian leadership is Jesus’ own words from Matthew 11:28-30. “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live lightly and freely.”
All of us in ministry need times of refreshment in our days, and days of rest, reflection and refreshment, and times when we take several days for the purpose of renewal. Without these regular times in the rhythm of our lives, we are inviting burn out, staleness in our ministry, and depletion that robs us of the joy Jesus intends for us to have. We need to make regular times away for ourselves a high priority.
Thomas Kelley wrote, “Life from the Center is a life of unhurried peace and power. It is simple. It is serene. It is amazing. It is triumphant. It is radiant. It takes no time, but it occupies all our time. And it makes our life programs new and overcoming. We need not get frantic. He is at the Helm. And when our little day is done we lie down quietly in peace, for all is well.”
Richard Foster agrees. He writes, “The major thing a private retreat accomplishes is to create an open empty space in our lives. We learn to “waste” time for God. Slowly, we come to hear God's speech in his wondrous, terrible, loving, all—embracing silence. Gently, we press into the holy of holies where we are sifted in the stillness. Painfully, we let go of the vain images of ourselves that seemed so essential. Joyfully, we loosen our grip on all those projects that appeared so significant and urgent.
“Most wonderful of all is the empowerment we receive: overcoming love, faith that can see everything in the light of God's governance for good, hope that can carry us through the most discouraging of circumstances, and power to overcome evil and do what is right.”
With You Ministries Retreats
Guidance for solitude times in your days or weeks: With You Ministries will, through your involvement in regular Spiritual Direction, or through personal individual consultation, provide resources and guidance for you to learn how to stop and experience the benefits of intentional rest. Learn prayer practices like centering prayer, lectio divina, the examen, and other spiritual exercises that open your heart to God, allowing the Lord to—restore your soul.
Day Retreats: With You offers advertised contemplative day retreats, and will also create at your request an individually planned retreat for you and your staff, or you and your community of event participants.
Sabbath Retreats: With You Ministries offers advertised three day Sabbath retreats that emphasize solitude and guided prayer times in settings conducive to quiet reflection, contemplation and Christian meditation.
The Hebrew word Sabbath literally means “to cease, to stop.” Just as God rested from His creation work, we are to regularly rest from our day-to-day occupations and refocus our lives on what’s most important. Sabbath is a day, or a significant regular time away to push the reset button.
Combination contemplative and team building retreats: Pastor Eisenman’s experience serving with and leading large and smaller church staffs has equipped him to help ministry teams enter into deeper understanding of themselves that allows them to draw closer to God together as they grow closer and more deeply committed to one another. Especially consider this style of retreat if you do annual staff retreats and desire something more personally meaningful than typical church program planning times.
Guidance for solitude times in your days or weeks: With You Ministries will, through your involvement in regular Spiritual Direction, or through personal individual consultation, provide resources and guidance for you to learn how to stop and experience the benefits of intentional rest. Learn prayer practices like centering prayer, lectio divina, the examen, and other spiritual exercises that open your heart to God, allowing the Lord to—restore your soul.
Day Retreats: With You offers advertised contemplative day retreats, and will also create at your request an individually planned retreat for you and your staff, or you and your community of event participants.
Sabbath Retreats: With You Ministries offers advertised three day Sabbath retreats that emphasize solitude and guided prayer times in settings conducive to quiet reflection, contemplation and Christian meditation.
The Hebrew word Sabbath literally means “to cease, to stop.” Just as God rested from His creation work, we are to regularly rest from our day-to-day occupations and refocus our lives on what’s most important. Sabbath is a day, or a significant regular time away to push the reset button.
Combination contemplative and team building retreats: Pastor Eisenman’s experience serving with and leading large and smaller church staffs has equipped him to help ministry teams enter into deeper understanding of themselves that allows them to draw closer to God together as they grow closer and more deeply committed to one another. Especially consider this style of retreat if you do annual staff retreats and desire something more personally meaningful than typical church program planning times.
Topical Retreats: Pastor Eisenman will also consider leading retreats that focus on group needs and topics. Although topical retreats are not primary in Pastor Tom’s current focus, he has in the past led nearly 100 retreats for churches, sports teams, college age and young singles groups, family conferences, men’s retreats, seniors group gatherings, and general Bible conferences.
Pastor Tom will work with you or with your group to plan an experience for your people to meet your goals and fulfill your retreat needs. Do not hesitate to call, whether you would like individual consultation and help designing a private retreat or sabbatical time, or if you want to explore ideas to meet the needs of your church or group.
With You Ministries Retreat Endorsements
Contemplative and Sabbath Retreats
“This was one of the most supporting and beneficial weeks I’ve ever had. I truly believe such opportunities are life giving to us in the ministry.” Participant, Week Long Retreat
“I have renewed hope in my ministry. The spiritual disciplines and tools I received will stand a lifetime for me. God bless you for taking us to this other level as pastors.” Participant, Week Long Retreat
"The pace was wonderful; content - “WOW”; the whole experience: refreshing, healing, applicable, delightful, powerfully spiritual, deep, God-meeting! Thank you!" Participant, Three Day Sabbath Retreat
"The spiritual direction was exceptionally helpful and affirming, reflective, non-judgmental. The experience opened the door to several new, life altering insights from God." Participant, Three Day Sabbath Retreat
"All elements of the retreat worked really well together. I appreciated the brief, but impactful teaching along with generous individual time to process. I felt very loved and affirmed. My expectations were exceeded. I leave refreshed and reloaded for the next chapter." Participant, Three Day Sabbath Retreat
Program Retreats and Bible Conferences
"If your reaction is like mine, you'll appreciate Tom's candor and practicality. He pulls no punches; neither does he wrench your gut with guilt. His observations, insights, and suggestions are both penetrating and provocative." Chuck Swindoll
"Tom's vulnerability and openness brings an authentic power to his message. The men attending the conference were, with astonishing freedom, able to break down barriers and share their deep hurts and struggles because of the environment created by Tom. Men need a safe place to deal with their issues. Tom's honest caring and his skill at communicating brought the right biblical blend of love and truth. It was exactly what was needed." Ron Demolar, Director of Program Ministries, Mount Hermon Conference Center, Mount Hermon, California
"Tom and Judie demonstrated a truly unique gift and ability to reach down and touch the hearts of pro athletes and their wives. When Tom led Bible studies for the Forty-Niners this season, no one left those studies unchanged. The chapels he’s done for the San Francisco Giants were powerful and practical. There is no one better at saying what we need to hear in a way that we can really hear it and apply it to our lives." Pat Richie, Athletes in Action, Chaplain, 49ers and Giants
"I especially appreciated Tom's ability to build rapport with our university group at the fall retreat. He has a practical, down-to-earth style, full of warmth, humor and honesty. I highly recommend him as a person whose extraordinary life experiences are translated into insight for living the Christian faith. He is authentic, someone who practices what he preaches. He will challenge and encourage you." Garrett Yamada, College Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Berkeley
"Tom Eisenman was the speaker for our annual Men's Day. We were not disappointed! He is uniquely forthright and honest about his own experiences, using them to illuminate his teaching in a way that powerfully affects his hearers. For those interested in exploring the difficulty, necessity, possibility and practicality of developing Christ-like character, I highly recommend Tom Eisenman as a speaker and leader." Robert W. Cash, Vice President, Minnesota Bible College
Pastor Tom will work with you or with your group to plan an experience for your people to meet your goals and fulfill your retreat needs. Do not hesitate to call, whether you would like individual consultation and help designing a private retreat or sabbatical time, or if you want to explore ideas to meet the needs of your church or group.
With You Ministries Retreat Endorsements
Contemplative and Sabbath Retreats
“This was one of the most supporting and beneficial weeks I’ve ever had. I truly believe such opportunities are life giving to us in the ministry.” Participant, Week Long Retreat
“I have renewed hope in my ministry. The spiritual disciplines and tools I received will stand a lifetime for me. God bless you for taking us to this other level as pastors.” Participant, Week Long Retreat
"The pace was wonderful; content - “WOW”; the whole experience: refreshing, healing, applicable, delightful, powerfully spiritual, deep, God-meeting! Thank you!" Participant, Three Day Sabbath Retreat
"The spiritual direction was exceptionally helpful and affirming, reflective, non-judgmental. The experience opened the door to several new, life altering insights from God." Participant, Three Day Sabbath Retreat
"All elements of the retreat worked really well together. I appreciated the brief, but impactful teaching along with generous individual time to process. I felt very loved and affirmed. My expectations were exceeded. I leave refreshed and reloaded for the next chapter." Participant, Three Day Sabbath Retreat
Program Retreats and Bible Conferences
"If your reaction is like mine, you'll appreciate Tom's candor and practicality. He pulls no punches; neither does he wrench your gut with guilt. His observations, insights, and suggestions are both penetrating and provocative." Chuck Swindoll
"Tom's vulnerability and openness brings an authentic power to his message. The men attending the conference were, with astonishing freedom, able to break down barriers and share their deep hurts and struggles because of the environment created by Tom. Men need a safe place to deal with their issues. Tom's honest caring and his skill at communicating brought the right biblical blend of love and truth. It was exactly what was needed." Ron Demolar, Director of Program Ministries, Mount Hermon Conference Center, Mount Hermon, California
"Tom and Judie demonstrated a truly unique gift and ability to reach down and touch the hearts of pro athletes and their wives. When Tom led Bible studies for the Forty-Niners this season, no one left those studies unchanged. The chapels he’s done for the San Francisco Giants were powerful and practical. There is no one better at saying what we need to hear in a way that we can really hear it and apply it to our lives." Pat Richie, Athletes in Action, Chaplain, 49ers and Giants
"I especially appreciated Tom's ability to build rapport with our university group at the fall retreat. He has a practical, down-to-earth style, full of warmth, humor and honesty. I highly recommend him as a person whose extraordinary life experiences are translated into insight for living the Christian faith. He is authentic, someone who practices what he preaches. He will challenge and encourage you." Garrett Yamada, College Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Berkeley
"Tom Eisenman was the speaker for our annual Men's Day. We were not disappointed! He is uniquely forthright and honest about his own experiences, using them to illuminate his teaching in a way that powerfully affects his hearers. For those interested in exploring the difficulty, necessity, possibility and practicality of developing Christ-like character, I highly recommend Tom Eisenman as a speaker and leader." Robert W. Cash, Vice President, Minnesota Bible College